html body .content-outer { min-width: 0; max-width: 100%; width: 100%; Beautiful Corners: 2013

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Penang Mural

Little Children on a Bicycle is a mural on the wall of a shophouse on Armenian Street, George Town. It is one of the two murals along that street painted by London-trained artist Ernest Zacharevic, in conjunction with the 2012 George Town Festival. It depicts a little girl taking her younger brother on a bicycle ride. The joy in their faces echoes down the street, providing a ray of cheer and adding character to Armenian Street.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


奧蘭多布魯(Orlando Bloom)和澳洲超模老婆米蘭達柯爾(Miranda Kerr)所生的兒子弗林(Flynn),擁有超可愛笑容,被封為「療癒系寶寶」,一點也不輸明星爸媽。日前狗仔在美國紐約街頭,拍攝到辣媽米蘭達收工後,帶寶貝兒子弗林現身街頭,弗林開心得當街給媽媽獻上愛的一吻,使辣媽樂開懷,滿臉幸福洋溢。